9 de agosto de 2009

[Rumi, again]


'Tis said, the pipe and lute that charm our ears
Derive their melody from rolling spheres;
But Faith, o'erpassing speculation's bound,
Can see what sweetens every jangled sound.

We, who are parts of Adam, heard with him
The song of angels and of seraphim.
Out memory, though dull and sad, retains
Some echo still of those unearthly strains.

Oh, music is the meat of all who love,
Music uplifts the soul to realms above.
The ashes glow, the latent fires increase:
We listen and are fed with joy and peace.

R. A. Nicholson

'Persian Poems', an Anthology of verse translations
edited by A.J.Arberry, Everyman's Library, 1972

Soul receives from soul that knowledge, therefore not by book

nor from tongue.

If knowledge of mysteries come after emptiness of mind, that is

illumination of heart.

"Say I am You" Coleman Barks Maypop, 1994


Um comentário:

Claudia Mol disse...

Olá!!! Você faz parte do elo que me fez descobrir serendipicamente o que era Serendipity, ao procurar RUMI. Obrigada por estar aí e representar uma parte deste universo sincronico para os que querem ver! Claudia Mol